It's a Top news, shocking, yet amazing, and amusing to the world. But unfortunately, it has nothing to do with aliens stoners melding with Earth's plants. But, since you're currently reading, you'll roughly definitely be worried about this research that looked into the click and sharing behavior of social media users reading pleased (or not) and then sharing it on social media.

I have notice long ago that more than a few of our followers will happily like, share and present an opinion on an article - all with no ever reading it. We're not the merely ones to notice this. Last April, NPR shared an article on their Facebook page which asked "Why doesn't America interpret anymore?” The story, of course, is that there was no article. They waited to see if their followers would weigh in with an view without clicking the link, and they weren't disappointed.

We've been hoping for a possibility to try it ourselves, and this seemed like the ideal opportunity. Yackler had some fun with the same article and manage to fool a group of people.

A collection of computer scientists at Columbia University and the French National organization looked into a dataset of over 2.8 million online reports articles that were shared via Twitter. The learn found that up to 59 percent of links shared on Twitter have never in fact been clicked by that person’s followers, suggesting that social media users are additional into sharing content than actually clicking on and interpretation it.
“People are additional willing to share an article than read it,” the study’s co-author Arnaud Legout said in a statement, Washington Post information. “This is typical of modern in order consumption. People form an opinion base on a summary, or a summary of summaries, without creation the effort to go deeper.”

This learn looks into the psychology behind what make people want to share content. Research conducted by The New York Times Customer Insight Group look into what motivates citizens to share information. presently under half of the citizens asked in the survey said they share information on social media to inform people and to “enrich” those around them. Conversely, they found 68 percent share to reinforce and plan a certain image of themselves – in a sense, to “define” themselves.

In the words of one member from the study: “I try to share only information that will strengthen the image I’d like to present: thoughtful, logical, kind, interested and fervent about certain things.”
It also raises the question of whether online media is presently a massive “echo chamber”, where we all presently like pages and viewpoints that strengthen our own beliefs and are not interested in information for the sake of information. Even the algorithms of social media sites denote that persons or pages that you tend to click on, like, or share – which are the majority often the articles or viewpoints that you agree with – will more frequently turn up on your News Feed.

As a user of online media, you’re almost certainly quite aware of this.
Take a look at any comment on social media pages, counting those, of course, on the IFLScience Facebook page. It’s particularly obvious on the more “emotive” and controversial of subjects; think climate modify, GMOs, vaccinations, aliens, and a lot of our articles on marijuana, where the top comments often repeat or question amazing that is fairly clearly in the article, but not the headline.

Just this week, our article about capuchins monkeys toward the inside the stone age was met with a lot of of the top comments on the Facebook post point out they’ve done this for hundreds of years, despite that being the first thing the article said if you study it. Although from our analytics it's impossible to see which users did not click through to the article yet shared it, there is fairly often a somewhat fine inconsistency between shares and page views which doesn't quite add up, especially on those buzz subject.

So, if you are one of the fortunate few who managed to click and read this article, we congratulate you! Although we do apologize for the misleading caption. In the meanwhile, have fun sharing the editorial and considering who manages to chair a conversation on marijuana genetics, without ever interpretation it.
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